3 Reasons You Need A Lawyer After A DWI Charge

Driving while under the influence (DWI) of alcohol or other substances is likely to result in a criminal charge. No matter the severity of the case (whether misdemeanor or felony) it’s smart to have legal representation instead of trying to handle everything yourself. Take a look below for just a few of the most important reasons why.

Increasing the Chances of a Lesser Sentence

While most DWI charges are not overturned completely, sentences can most certainly be lessened by an expert attorney who knows the details of your case. On your own, you may feel that you have no choice but to accept a sentence of several months in prison or a hefty fine. But a lawyer can get a sentence reduced to something such as suspension of a license and community service. This is especially true for first-time offenders with no prior criminal history. In this way, getting in touch with a criminal defense lawyer can be quite literally life-changing.

Challenging Witness or Officer Testimony

Before sentencing you, a judge will hear testimony from others involved in the charge, including the arresting officers and any relevant witnesses. While this may seem like an insurmountable obstacle, an attorney can easily work to identify inconsistencies, contradictions, and areas of testimony in which there are significant holes. For example, the arresting officers may have had no probable cause to pull you over or may have conducted the field sobriety test in a way that violated official policy. In fact, if either of these can be proven in a hearing, then your case may be dismissed entirely. Knowing how to successfully challenge testimony independently is a near-impossible task, which is just one more reason to take advantage of criminal defense legal services.

Navigating the Legal System

Navigating the legal system is extremely stressful and time-consuming. As such, the importance of having someone fight for your best interests throughout the entire process cannot be overstated. An attorney can also help you with the logistical side of things, from knowing what to expect when you are in front of a judge, to limitations and obligations that may come with a reduced sentence.

If you or someone you know has recently been charged with driving under the influence, contact a DWI lawyer in your area for an initial consultation. Doing so can ultimately lead to a lesser sentence, a successful challenge, and greater peace of mind.
